About the Centennial SatNav GPS Card driver... ============================================== 1. This driver works only with 2.x Newton devices and has only been tested with MP2x00 2. This driver supports only the binary protocol version of the SatNav card. The NMEA version will be supported by GPS Map 2.0. If you have already a NMEA version you may get a 2.0 beta version. 3. The driver runs only with GPS Map 1.8.5, GPS Map Lite 1.2.5 or later. 4. The driver installs as a system extension. You must start it by tapping onto its icon for changing the settings. If you are using a GPS Map (Lite) 2.0 beta you may also select and setup the driver through the GPS Map preferences window (Interface settings). 4.1 Select the hardware interface you want to use. The serial option may be of interest for connecting to an external Rockwell receiver. 4.2 Select the desired update rate. One update per second is fine but needs 2 watts of Newton's batteries. One update per five seconds my be enough and reduces the power consumption to around 0.75 watts. 4.3 As the receiver itself has no battery buffered realtime clock it must be initialised with the Universal Time (UTC) by the host computer, otherwise it will need up to 15 minutes for getting the first fix. UTC is the time at zero longitude. The driver uses Newton's system time, the offset time at your location as set within the "Time Zones" application and the summertime setting for that location for automatically calculating UTC. You may check the calculated offset and in unusual cases you may need to correct it.